Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing Blog for Music Video

          After I finished filming all of my clips I was ready to edit. I was so thrilled to see all of my footage come together into an amazing music video. To begin editing, my group and I first looked through all of the footage we filmed on our phones. I filmed many shots so I had to make sure we used the one that worked best. We selectively went through and chose all of the clips that we wanted to keep and use for the music video. We also trimmed all of the clips to ensure that it would be the correct length. After we chose all of the clips we exported them on to the computer. I saved them as downloads so that we would be able to import them into iMovie. I also exported the sound to iMovie so that it could be used for the background sound. Now all of the clips were on iMovie and I could begin to edit them on the computer.
          First, I went through and put all of the clips in the correct order. It was important that all of the clips are in the right place in order to match the music in the background. Without the clips, in the right order, the music video would not make any sense. Then, I added the music to the background to match it with all of the scenes. I started to cut the scenes more to match it with what was being said in the song. This was so extremely important. Without the scenes matching the music, the audience would be lost on what is happening and the message being portrayed. After this, I added all of the transitions for each scene. I wanted to allow the audience to see when there was a change in the scene. This is important in allowing the audience to interpret the message and tone of the music video.
          While editing, our original version of the music video was thirty seconds over the time limit. I had to discuss with my group which clips were not relevant to the overall video. We had to cut many clips out and shorten the length of most clips. It was difficult to cut these clips without messing up the coordination between the scenes and the song. Luckily, all of the clips came together and worked out perfectly with the song. At the end of the music video, we added a freeze-frame to the last clip to allow it to stop at all actors in midair while we were jumping. This pause led to the fade out to the black screen at the end of the music video to close everything out. The final thing we did to edit was going back and muting all of the scenes. Even though there was music playing in the background we wanted to be sure that none of the background noise could be heard. This concludes what I did with my group during the editing process of my music video.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming Process Blog

          After not being able to film on the day I had set in place, I felt let down. I was so excited to film, but unfortunately the weather canceled our plans of filming. Luckily, I used the time during the rainy weather to plan ahead of time for when I did film. This allowed me to be fully prepared for when my group and I would be able to film next. I joined a group call with all of the members in my group and we discussed when we were all available to film. We discussed many different days and finally we collectively chose a day that would work with all of our schedules. When the day finally came, I was so excited to film. I gathered all of the props I would use and refreshed myself on all of my notes on filming. I made sure my camera was charged and then carefully secured it in the bag. I also made sure the tripod was safely secured in its bag too in order to prevent any damage on the expensive equipment.
          After the many steps taken, I was finally ready to film. I arrived at the beach, which was the location my group and I planned to film at. I met up with my group members and we began to find the perfect location for the background of our first scene. We started to film the first scene which took place near the waves. I got lots of good footage of the waves and the actress. I also included many diegetic sounds which will really bring out the nature of the film. The next scene involved using a lifeguard stand. We made sure to get full permission from the lifeguard before filming this scene. After talking the the lifeguard he agreed that it was okay for us to film using the lifeguard tower. We shot this scene using the lifeguard tower as the background to signify the change in scenery of the music video from the ocean to the lifeguard tower.
          I made sure that we had lots of footage for each scene in case any of the scenes didn’t turn out okay. The next scene I shot was a scene with the pier in the background. I really wanted to show the beauty of the location we were filming at through all of the beautiful scenery. In the next scene I used  my GoPro to get some underwater footage of the marine life or just the ocean in general. This advanced technology really allows the film to come to life and add a pop to the music video. The next scene was a general shot in a car. This scene showed the actresses as a celebrity and also indicated a change in the mood and setting of the music video. The last scene I shot was a shot with all members of my group with the sunset in the background. This added a great ending to the music video because it portrayed happiness and excitement and created such a beautiful background for the scene. It also added a very important detail to the main message and theme of the music video that would allow the audience to better interpret the music video.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Preparing for Filming Blog

      After finishing the storyboard I was so excited to begin filming my music video. I was ready to put all of my got up and I’s amazing ideas into this awesome film. I checked out a camera and a tripod in class so that I would be ready to film with my group over the weekend. My original plan was to film on the beach on a nice and relaxing sunny day.  Unfortunately, we were unable to film due to the weather. We planned to film on Saturday but it was pouring rain all day. I figured it would be better to wait until the next weekend so that the setting in the background of the film could be as we pictured. I did not want the music video to feel sad and gloomy and portray the wrong emotion to the audience. I was very upset that we were unable to film, but I still made sure I stayed productive. There was no need to waste such valuable time.
          Since we could not film, I took this as an opportunity to learn something. I wanted to make sure that when we are able to film that I am prepared because there is no time to waste. The first thing I did to prepare myself was review all of my notes again. I reviewed my notes on editing, filming, and I reviewed all of my definitions on shots, angles, lighting, and costume. All of the components I reviewed are very essential in making a music video, which will help me when I film. The next thing I did was practice using the camera and the tripod. When filming the commercial, I struggled with getting the camera on the tripod. I practiced and watched videos on how to properly use a tripod which allowed me to fully understand the basis of working a tripod. I also watched videos on what all of the buttons on the camera do and filmed some practice shots and angles. Filming practice clips allowed me to expand on my knowledge of this camera and learn how to make all of my shots look so much better.
          The last thing I did since we were unable to film was review my exact plan for this music video. I went on a group call with all of the members in my group and we discussed more ways to make our music video better. I discussed with them how to incorporate more camera shots and camera angles into our film to really allow the music video to teach its full potential. I  also discussed with my group exactly what we would need and do in each scene. For example, I made a plan of exactly what we would do in each scene. I also made a list of the exact props we would use in each specific scene. With this list I then asked my group to see who had the props and would be able to bring them for filming purposes. I wanted to make sure that everything would be ready for the next available time we had to film. This way no time was wasted and I am still on track for finishing this music video on time without rushing. Taking a day to plan everything out was very important and I am glad I got the chance to do that. This allows me to be so extremely prepared for when we film so that I can make an amazing music video with my group!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Music Video Storyboard Blog

          After finishing the commercial project, my group and I were eager to start on the music video. We brainstormed so many great ideas together that would make our music video creative and outstanding. We were so excited to begin putting all of our wonderful ideas together for this music video. After lots of thinking and planning we finally agreed what each scene would consist of and put it onto the storyboard paper. After we finished the storyboard we had to go back and determine what shots, camera angles, camera movements, costume, lighting, sounds, and editing techniques to use in each scene.
          Firstly, we discussed the camera movements, angles, and shots we would use. We made sure to think of what would make the scene the best to ensure that each scene was as perfect as we had planned it would be. We chose to use high angles, long shots, close ups, two shots, and a point of view shot. The high angle would be used to show that someone has superiority or authority over someone in that scene. When using long shots in our scenes it will show a view of the person full body so that the audience can clearly see the full costume. Close ups will show just the actors face so that the audience can clearly make out what emotion that character is trying to show. The 2-shots will be used to show more than one actor and how they relate to the main message of the song which is meeting someone at a location. Lastly, we will use a point of view shot to show how the other actor will react to what the other actor is doing. For example, we will show how the man reacts in our music video to when the woman expresses her feelings towards him.
        Secondly, we discussed costume, lighting, actors, makeup, props, and the setting. The costume throughout our music video will include very casual clothes like how any teenager would dress. The lighting of each scene will depend on what is being expressed in that specific scene. For example, in a scene where the character is heartbroken or is showing a flashback the lighting will be much darker to indicate sadness or a flashback. When the scene is happy or current time the lighting will be lighter and brighter to indicate happiness or current time. Some of the props we will use include sunglasses, hats, and beach equipment such as an umbrella and a surfboard. Lastly, the setting will take place on the beach. The beach makes a perfect setting for what the message in the song we chose portrays. We wanted to do the beach because it makes such a beautiful background and will contribute so much to our music video.
          Thirdly, we discussed how we planned to edit all of our footage after we were done filming. We agreed on using cutaways, fade outs, fade ins, and flashbacks. We will use cutaways to show  the main actor and then cut to the scene when she sees her significant other with someone else. This is an important scene because it contributes to the main theme and message of the music video. Next, we will use a fade out to end out the music video. It will go from all the actors in the film and face out to a black screen to signify the end of the music video. After this we will use fade in towards the beginning of the film to signify the start of the film. It will fade in from a black screen into the actors in the first scene. Lastly, we will use flashbacks to show the actor in the past thinking about this man that she used to love. This helps the audience have a better understanding of who the main actor has been thinking of in all of the scenes.
          The final thing we discussed was the sounds we would use throughout the music video. The first sounds we will use is dialogue. We will use dialogue to show the female and male actor communicating about their current location. Next, we will use diegetic sounds from the sounds of the waves or the wind. These sounds will allow the scene to seem more realistic and natural. After this we will use non-diegetic sounds which include the music we will add in and any sounds effects to add suspense or allow the audience to understand what it going on. Next we will use the score which is the actual song that we will edit in to the background. The score is specific to the song location in album that Khalid released. Lastly, we will use ambient sounds to allow the audience to interpret the hype of that scene. For example, we will increase the beat of the song to show the audience that the scene is more exciting or something is about to happen.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Planning for Music Video

Location: As a group we collectively decided that we would film our music video at the beach near where we live. The beach makes a perfect scenery for the background with the sand and waves crashing in the background. Not only is the scenery beautiful but the waves, wind, and dialogue from people nearby create great diegetic sounds that can be used in the background of our music video. We chose the beach as our location because of how fun and cool the vibe always is. Everyone at the beach is always having fun or enjoying themselves and we wanted our music video to be fun and exciting for us and the audience. The beach always has such an amazing vibe and we wanted to ensure that we included this throughout our music video.

Health and Safety: Our health and safety along with the people around us is so tremendously important. We want to ensure that the environment we are filming in is very safe for everyone. We will be very cautious and will take some protective steps ahead of time to ensure that everything is safe and goes as planned. Firstly, while filming at the beach we will ask any lifeguards or workers on the beach if it is okay and safe to film in a particular location. We would not want to cause any danger to anyone around us, safety is extremely important to us. Secondly, we will also make sure to film on a public beach so that we are not trespassing on anyone’s private property. Finally, if we plan to go in the water for any reason we will have life vests with us and we will alert the life guards because our health and safety is our number one priority.

Props: Props are an essential part of any music video. They allow the scenes to come to life and reach the full potential that they can. Props also allow the audience to better interpret what is going on in that scene that the director wants them to understand. Some props that we will use include any type of beach equipment such as chairs, umbrellas, and surfboards and also sunglasses, hats, sweatshirts, and and cell phones. We will also used some advanced technology along with our camera, such as a drone and a GoPro. These props will allow us to make each and every scene look so realistic and really come to life for ourselves and the audience.

Costumes: Costumes are also very important to a film. They allow the audience to understand who the person is and what they might be feeling in that scene and throughout the music video. Costumes represent who that person is and what the directors of the music video portray that person to be. The costume in our music video is very casual and how a teenager would usually dress. The costume is nothing fancy, it’s very relaxing and chill clothing. The costume represents that persons interests and how they feel.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Research and Conventions for Music Video

        My group and I finally finished with our Gatorade commercial project. While the commercial project was very fun, we are tremendously excited to start on the music video project. Music videos have always been such a cool thing to watch whether I was watching them on Disney channel when I was younger or seeing an actual Musical in a theatre. Musicals are so much fun to watch and experience so I’m so excited to be able to film a musical that I will be in along with my friends. I’m also thrilled to shoot this music outside of school. Music videos are a great way to express feelings, moods, and messages that are incorporated throughout the music. Thinking of filming a music video outside of school on our own time seems super cool and exciting.
          The day before the class where we would choose our song, my group joined a group call and discussed what song we would want to do. We did this so that we would come to class already prepared and ahead of the game. After lots of thinking and planning on the phone, we choose the song Location by Khalid. This song is such a great song that expresses many moods and feelings that would make a perfect music video. We are so excited to begin filming and planning each of our scenes. The song Location portrays a very calming mood but also displays a very important message at the same time. As a group we have always loved Khalid’s music and music videos. We especially loved this song because of the powerful message that he wants to get across and how much it relates to us and our life experiences.
          The genre of the song Location is contemporary R&B. Contemporary R&B combines rhythm, Pop, soul, hip-hop and electronica music. This is evident because of the use of instruments in the song. This includes bass and beats, and lots of keyboard. Khalid normally wears casual comfy clothes and his music videos. He does this so that his audience can relate to his songs and music videos. So instead of him wearing an outrageous bright outfit that no one wears on a regular day, he wears outfits, that any normal person would wear. In a lot of Khalids music videos the lighting is very dim which gives off a relaxing mood. Even if he is outside, they edit the lighting to make it look more dim to give off that relaxing vibe. When it comes to actors Khalid is normally the only person in the music video, and if he isn’t he is alongside a woman. The actors usually go along with the storyline, and play a big role in the message of the video. For make up, Khalid’s face normally is bland and has a little to no products. This is again to give across the relatable message, especially to most male listeners. For props Khalid normally uses regular things that you can see and find in every day life. This includes cars or phones. The props normally add to the storyline as well. And lastly, The setting is always a cool and empty place. He is normally the only person there, and the place is not crowded. And Khalid does this because he wants the audience to see him and his emotion. Khalid normally uses standard camera movements and angles because us he wants his videos to be calm and not exaggerated to again give off that relatable feel. The sounds and editing is also mainly basic and neutral, because he doesn’t want to add exaggeration.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Editing Blog for Commercial Project

        Today in class I finally began to edit my commercial on Gatorade with my group. It was a very long process and journey, but we finally made it to the editing portion of this commercial. I was very excited to begin editing. I was eager to see how all of our clips would be able to come together to make an amazing commercial. After the frustration of not being able to get the computer to work last class, I was very thrilled to use the laptops provided by the school. The laptop worked much more efficiently than the desktop computers. However, once I loaded pinnacle studios, it took a very long time for all of our clips to export on to pinnacle studios. Once the clips uploaded, they were very blurry and distorted. I knew we would not be able to edit properly if the clips were not appearing on the screen as they would normally look. It’s very difficult to try and edit your clips when you can’t see how they are actually going to look in the end result.
        I began to think that there must be another way to see our clips and edit them properly. I remembered that in the last class I had uploaded all of the clips to my google drive account. This was such an essential thing to do because I could now edit my clips using iMovie. I was able to see and use all of our clips through the google drive app that I previously downloaded on my phone. I explained to my group how we could edit the clips on our phones using an app called iMovie. They agreed that this would be a good idea so we got approval from our teachers and began to edit our clips. The app iMovie is an app where you can edit your videos and create a film. This app functions very similarly to pinnacle studios. Using this app will be so much better because I won’t have to wait for the computer to turn on. I will also be able to edit my footage from anywhere including at home, which will allow me to have more time to perfect my commercial.
        Now let’s get into what I actually did when I edited my commercial with my group. Firstly, I had to save all of our footage on to my camera roll from google drive. This would allow me to export our clips on to iMovie where they would be edited. Next, with the help of my group I decided which clips would not be essential for our commercial. We deleted the unnecessary clips from my phone, but made sure they were saved on google drive incase we needed them for any reason. After this, I exported the clips that we wanted to use on to iMovie. As soon as all the clips uploaded I got straight to working on editing the footage. Firstly, I edited in the screen from black to white for the intro and last scene of the commercial. Then I cut out parts of the clips that were not needed in order to meet the thirty second requirement of the commercial. I also added in any transitions between clips such as fading or dissolving into the next scene. After this I put all the final touches on to the scenes to make sure they look perfect for the final version of the commercial. This included adding the Gatorade logo and our theme music in the background. This wraps up everything I did with my group on the commercial project throughout the editing process!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing the Commercial

        Today in class I began to edit to edit my footage with the help of my group. Before I started editing, I pulled my notes out and reviewed them. I reviewed my notes to ensure that I was clear on how to edit my footage. We had some difficulties in the beginning of this process. This included that we could not get our computer to turn on. After a long ten minutes, the computer finally turned on. I plugged the flash drive into the computer and found the folder with all of our footage in it. I reviewed the footage with my group and then dumped it into an app on the computer called pinnacle studios. Once pinnacle studios opened I was able to see all of our footage and edit or review it. Pinnacle studios is a great way to edit all of our footage. It gives us a way to make sure all of our scenes look good for the final version of the commercial.
        I had a few difficulties with our footage in pinnacle studios. The first difficulty that occurred was that our footage was blurry. Something was wrong with our camera. This caused our footage to be very slow and blurry. This is a major setback to the editing process because our footage was completely messed up. With the help of my group we tried to figure out a way to make the footage look better. We wanted to be able to use the footage because we worked so hard to film all of it and make it perfect. We tried for a very long time to get our footage to work, but unfortunately could not get it. I started to wonder if it was a problem with the computer or our footage. So I decided to upload all of the footage to google docs to see if our footage would be usable for the commercial. After another ten minute upload process, I finally saw that it was in fact a problem with the computer and not our footage.
        Finding out that our footage wasn’t messed up was a huge relief to me. My group and I were worried that we would have to redo all of our footage. Not having to film again saves us a lot of time that we can use to properly edit our footage. It is essential that we have the full amount of time to edit  our footage. I want to make sure that my commercial reaches the full potential that it can. Using pinnacle studios will help move along my editing process much faster. The tools that pinnacle studios  has are very essential to our editing process. Without pinnacle studios our commercial would not be properly editing. It also would not look as good because we would not be able to use transitions that we planned to do. My group and I want to make our commercial as similar to the storyboard that we can so that our commercial can turn out amazing and very well planned out.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog for Commercial Project

        Today my group and I filmed our 30 second Gatorade commercial. Throughout the filming process, I learned a lot about many aspects of the filming process. Firstly, I learned how to properly check out a camera and SD card reader. This is very important to know so that all equipment is handled properly and doesn’t get lost. The second thing I did with my group was go to our filming location which was the track/ football field. I got all of our props ready and set up the camera on the tripod so that we were ready to film. The first scene we filmed was of two runners in track uniforms coming out of the starting blocks. During this scene we used many different camera angles and shots such as long shots, medium long shots, and tilts. The next scene we shot was of a girl playing soccer. In this scene she dribbled the ball and took shots into the goal. We also used different shots such as tracking shots and close ups.
        In the next scene we shot, it was a shot with all members of our group in it. We all showed our different Gatorade bottles in our athletic wear such as the track or soccer uniform. We used pink and blue Gatorade’s for this.  In this scene we all made a fierce face or a serious look. This was to show the importance of this scene and emphasize the main product of the commercial. In the next scene we slammed the Gatorade bottle on the bleachers to make a splashing effect. When we slammed the Gatorade bottle, it created a very cool splash that we will use as the main scene emphasizing the main product which is Gatorade. Finally, we just took some shots of the Gatorade bottle which we will use to end out the commercial. This scene is just for the purpose of showing Gatorade. There are no other athletes or things in the background, because we want the main focus to be on the Gatorade bottle specifically.
        Throughout the scenes my group and I used different things to make the scene look realistic. For example we used a spray bottle to spray onto the gatorade bottle. This gave the effect of condensation on the bottle. I also sprayed water on my forehead and neck to show that I was sweating. By showing that we were sweating it portrayed that I was working hard or being athletic. All of the props my group and I used helped contribute to the understanding of what was happening in that scene. We used track starting blocks, Gatorade bottles, a yoga mat, and a soccer ball. All of these were very important in making the commercial more entertaining for the audience. After my group finished filming we went back to the classroom and I dumped our footage onto the computer and saved it as a file. And that’s a wrap on what I did during the filming process!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today, our group did a storyboard for our Gatorade commercial. In each box we carefully planned out what we will do for each 5 second scene in our commercials. The first scene of our commercial contains 2 track athletes at the starting blocks preparing to take off. This scene will contain heavy breathing and heart beat sound effects (non-diegetic sounds). These sounds effects  and action shots will help to emphasize the importance of the scene. The second scene of our commercial will be a jump cut from the first scene into a girl playing soccer. She will be juggling the soccer ball or shooting into a goal to show that she is playing soccer. We will use long or medium shots to focus on her playing soccer through different camera angles. In our third scene it will be a cutaway from the girl playing soccer to a girl doing yoga. The music will change into a very peaceful sound to show the change in the scene from a more hardcore scene to a very soothing scene. In the fourth scene it is an action match of each of the athletes from the different scenes drinking Gatorade. This will show each subject and the main product of the commercial. In the fifth scene all athletes join together and fiercely slam the Gatorade bottles down for effect purposes. This will show effect of the Gatorade bottles that are emphasized throughout the commercial. The sixth and final scene will cut to a black screen with the Gatorade logo and a member doing a voiceover of one of the companies’ popular slogans.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Blog Lesson

        Today I learned a lot about how to edit a blog. Having this knowledge is extremely essential because it allows me be able to edit all future projects that I will create. The first thing that I learned about the editing process  was the procedure of checking out a camera. In order to check out a camera I must remember to fill out a form that I will hand in to receive a camera. After using the camera I have to ensure that I turn it in the following school day with the form and camera in the conditions they were in when I received it. The next thing I learned about was how to properly handle and use the cameras that are provided to me. The camera needs to be charged in order to function properly and with the opening flat shut. After this, we learned about how the tripod functions. The tripod must always be carried closed and never open to prevent it from breaking. When using the tripod you must also remove the sliver button with the lever and tighten the screw on the bottom of the camera so that the camera doesn’t fall off of the tripod. All of these are important in making sure all equipment is used and handled properly.
        Next I will be going in depth on how to get your footage from the camera to the computer in order to view and edit your video. First you must locate the pinnacle studio 18 app on your desktop. After pressing on the pinnacle studio icon you will put your USB in the SD card reader. Then you will put the SD card in the USB. With the footage off the USB you will create a new folder on your desktop or computer. When you press on the folder if you can’t find your video on the main folder you will go on to private then AVCHD then finally press on stream and your video should be there. After this you will highlight all of your footage and dump it onto a USB, then click to import all of it into pinnacle studios. You will then highlight all the footage again and drag it to the bottom of the screen where it says A.V. Track. You can then use all the transitions on your film such as splitting the video, making a title, or any open affects. Now you can move onto the export process of your video. You will first click export and start to export your film. You will save it as a screen and then minimize to ensure that it saved correctly. Then after this process you can add any voiceovers. Finally you will save the movie as the title of the film and move it into the folder.
        Throughout this process it is very important that all equipment is handled properly and that I can fully understand how to properly edit my video. The editing process is something that will be used throughout the course of this class and in future films that I may create outside of the class. In order to succeed in this class you must fully understand how important this editing process is to all of the films you will create. I’m going to review some of the basic guidelines and rules that need to be remembered and followed to succeed in the editing  process. For starters all equipment must be handled properly and returned in the condition that it was received in. Next, all forms need to be filled out for all equipment that is checked out. When you return the equipment the next school day you need to have the form with you, so make sure the form is kept in the proper folder. You should always follow directions given to you by your teacher on the assignment or equipment; listening and understanding is an essential skill in life and throughout this class and editing process. Lastly, make sure you follow the instructions very carefully on the editing process. This is such an important part of how your film is created. As long as the guidelines I was taught today are followed, the editing process should go smoothly!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog for Gatorade Commercial

    For our blog, today we are going to be planning out the details of our Gatorade commercial. This includes props, costumes, schedule,location, and our back-up plan. All of these will be very essential in creating a commercial that is entertaining and effective. Planning is a very important step in film making. This is because planning helps you write out step by step what your commercial will consist of and look like. Without planning the filming process becomes long and unorganized. Planning helps to save time and money and insures that filming will be successful no matter what.
  Props are extremely essential to a commercial. They give the commercial livelihood and make it more entertaining and understandable for the audience. Throughout our commercial some of the props we will be using consist of : 4 Gatorade bottles (different colors), spray Gatorade bottles, regular spray bottle, 2 block starts, a soccer ball, and a yoga mat. All of these props will be incorporated into our commercial to make the commercial the best that we can. We will include the Gatorade bottle with different colors throughout each scene with a different sport being idolized. For example, for one scene we will focus on yoga using our yoga mat as a prop, we will play soccer for another scene using our soccer ball as a prop, and lastly we will show track using our starting blocks as a prop for that scene.
     In this paragraph we will discuss another very important part of film known as costume. Costume plays a huge role in how the audience will interpret the scene. The costume allows the people watching to understand what you are trying to portray in that specific scene or the entire commercial in general. For example we will be using a school track and soccer uniform to allow the audience to understand that we are trying to show athletes playing soccer or running on the track. We will also be using athletic clothes as costumes to show the audience that the main focus of that scene is working out or doing something athletic. Going along with costume, another essential part of a scene is location. Location sets the entire basis of where you will be filming for each of your scenes. For our scenes we will be filming on the schools track field and the football field . This will set the scene that we are going to be playing sports or doing something dealing with physical education. This is a very important part of film because it allows the audience to know where you will be filming and gives them a better idea of the scene and film in general.
    The schedule for our filming process will go as follows. Today we began planning for our commercial which included props, costumes, location etc. Then we are going to storyboard over the weekend so that we can start filming on Monday 10/14. On Monday we will start the filming process. We will shoot the scenes from the storyboard we drew up over the weekend. We will then change into costumes and go to our locations. Next we will continue to film on 10/16. We will shoot any scenes that we feel we should redo and shoot some scenes twice so that we can pick from the better out of the two. We will be filming outside for our whole commercial so if it rains we have a backup plan that will work and still cut across the same message. If it starts to rain then we will change locations from the track to the stairs and shoot two people running up and down the stairs. We would also change from the outdoor patio for yoga to a roofed hallway. Also, if someone from my group is absent then we plan to shoot everything the same but the activity that that person was supposed to do in that shot someone else will have to do. These plans will work when we are faced with any scenario.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Convention & Codes

The product my group selected is the refreshing and revolutionary Gatorade. We selected this product because we thoroughly enjoy the drink and watching the entertaining Gatorade commercials. In most Gatorade commercials there are little to no women at all. This encourages us to want to make a commercial to show that everyone can be in a Gatorade no matter who you are or what you like. We want to be able show equality throughout different things in society, even through commercials. Throughout most of our lives we have been all played a sport or been involved in athletic activities. While playing sports we always look to Gatorade to fulfill our thirst quenching mouths. Gatorade is such an essential part of al of our lives.

In most Gatorade commercials we usually see people performing athletic activities. For example, activities like running, football, soccer, and cheerleading are usually idealized in these commercials. Mostly in Gatorade commercials there are different amounts of people who belong to a team or are performing individual sports. They are usually either warming up, exercising, or actually doing the sport. Towards the end of the commercial the product is displayed in an exaggerated way to catch the attention of the audience. The producers of the commercial usually portray this by having the athletic figures walk away and drink the Gatorade in a somewhat refreshing way. They also do this by placing the Gatorade in a focused area with the background as the athletic activity.

The company Gatorade uses sports because Gatorade is a sports drink directed at active people that want to “fuel” their bodies. These commercials usually convince their audience to want to get up and be active. That’s when their product comes in play. Whenever the audience decides to be more active or workout they will feel that they should pick up a Gatorade to drink in order to perform accurately. These commercials usually use score in their commercials. This consists of intense inspiring music that helps to inspire and engage the audience. Also common amount these commercials is tracking shots. These shots are used when the athletes are performing in the sport. Commonly used as well is a zoom. This is used to mostly zoom in on the drink and show a refreshing icy looking drink that makes the audiences mouths water. They also use this shot to zoom in on athletes drinking or holding the drink. Sometimes Gatorade companies use star athletes in their commercials. They do this to show watchers that professional athletes use this product and so should they.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Introductory Blog

        Hi, my name is Jade. I am currently writing this blog to introduce myself, so here goes nothing. This year is my second year of being on the school track team. Last year, I managed to make it to states and place 13th out of 30th, which is pretty good considering it was my first year and I competed with people who had been doing it for 4 years. For most of my life I have been pretty involved with sports. I was on a competitive swim team for 4 years, I played soccer for 3 years, I did gymnastics for 3 years, and now I am starting my second year on track & field. Being active and playing sports makes me really happy and I enjoy doing it on my free time.
        Enough about sports, now i'm going to talk about my academics. This year I decided to take pretty hard classes including: 4 Aice classes (Psychology, English, European History, Media studies), Chemistry Honors, and Algebra 2 Honors. I managed to get straight A's throughout most of middle school and my first year of high school. I plan to continue to get good grades and graduate with my Aice diploma. I hope to get into a good school, such as the University Of Florida where I can hopefully continue to do track and field.
        Now, a little bit more about myself. I enjoy going to the beach or the pool on a nice sunny day to relax. I like hanging out with my friends on the weekend and going to fun places. I enjoy traveling to explore and experience different lifestyles in other places all around the world. And I love to watch/ go to the Florida Gators Football games; I have been a huge fan since I was younger and watching the games gives me such a rush of excitement. One thing I strongly dislike is the amount of homework and studying I have to do on the weekends and after school, it takes up a lot of my free time. Another thing I dislike is the taste of peppers (green, red, yellow, and orange peppers) I think the taste is so strong and gross. The last thing I dislike is getting a bad grade on something that I know I worked hard on, it is not fun to see a bad grade when you open pinnacle.