Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Filming Blog: Overview of the Scenes

          After overcoming the issue that we faced with not having enough people, we were finally able to film. Luckily, we resolved this issue and found a way to film around it. Firstly, we began to film our scenes. These scenes would show the title sequences. These were very casual and simple conversational scenes. For example, these scenes would include sitting on the couch and talking or walking through the front door to establish the location. These scenes were also used to give background to the audience about the plot and what was going to happen. Throughout these, we also included tracking shots, over the shoulder shots, and an establishing shot. These shots are important as they allow the audience to identify a change in the scene. It also adds a more creative effect to each scene and the film overall.
         After filming these shots, my group and I moved into filming the next scenes. These scenes were used to show the moments that led up to the horrifying event. These scenes were very scary and mysterious. For example, one of the scenes would be in a dark scary room with the Ouija Board. Another scene would show the girl being possessed. These scenes were used to make it clear to the audience what was going on and hint to what may happen. In these scenes we used high angles, low angles, pans, tilts, medium shots, and close-ups. Using these shots is a great technique to make the film really come together and reach its full potential. Overall, the film process was very fun and exciting. We had a few setbacks, but we quickly recovered in order to stay on schedule.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog: Resolving an Issue

          My group and I decided that we would all film on Sunday. This was a day that worked with all of our schedules. This would allow us to have more time to film and edit. Everything was going as planned, until we ran into a dilemma. The people outside of our group, who agreed to be in our film, could no longer film with us on Sunday. All four of them had somewhere to be, but said that they could film the next weekend. However, we did not want to wait until last minute to try and get everything done. If we waited until the next weekend, one of our actual group members may have been busy. This left us in a difficult situation, as we needed them in order for our scenes to work. We were determined to finish all of our filming that weekend so that we could resourcefully use class time to edit our film and allow it to reach its full potential.
         We knew we had to figure out a way around this because we may not get another opportunity to film. As a group, we collectively brainstormed different ideas. It was very important to us that the scenes made sense not only for us, but for the audience as well. If the scenes aren't comprehendible to the audience it will be harder to follow along and identify the genre being used.We went back into our script that we had previously planned out and began to make edits to it. We needed to make edits and remove some of the scenes that required more people, due to the difficult situation that we faced. We collectively came up with amazing and creative ideas that would work with the amount of people we had to film with. It took lots of thinking and analyzing to finally come up with the final edits for each scene. As a group, we were very relieved that one bump in the road didn't affect our whole film. Luckily, my group works very well together and we were still able to produce an excellent film, regardless of a small issue that occurred.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog (extra) : Scheduling and Planning

          Unfortunately, my group and I were unable to film last weekend. However, we used this time resourcefully to plan and schedule for when we are able to film. This was very important as it will make the overall filming process much easier and smoother. We spent many hours on a group call discussing and reviewing each scene from the storyboard. We did this to ensure that everyone was on the same page and that there was no confusion throughout the group. We also went back and double-checked that we included many different angles and shots into each scene. While doing this, we also added things that we felt would fit into each scene. This allows for much more time to film, as we will not be worried about making sure we included these important factors. As a result of doing this, my group and I will not waste any valuable time. This will be so helpful, as it will help reduce the amount of time we spend filming and allow for more time to edit.
          One of the main things we focused on during this group call was the props and setting. We brainstormed many great ideas about what should be used for props and what settings we should include in our film. We also discussed how we could integrate special effects to allow each scene to reach its full potential. Each member of the group agreed to bring certain props as well. We wanted to ensure that we would have everything that's necessary to film in order to make the filming process less stressful. Props and special effects are important as they will extenuate the horror and fully bring out the genre. We also discussed what settings where we will be filming. We wanted to ensure that the audience could tell a change in the scene. It's important that the audience can follow along with what is happening in order for the plot to make sense. Overall, it is very important that we took the time to plan and schedule. As a result of this, my group and I are much better prepared and organized and ready to film as soon as possible.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog: Storyboard

   This is our storyboard. This storyboard will help out when it comes to the filming and editing process. Like in the past, the storyboard will act as a step-by-step guide for filming and editing.  For example, while we are filming we can look back at our storyboard to see what camera movements we wanted and in what scene or when to use them. We could also use the storyboard for the editing process. The storyboard could help us to remember what we wanted our titles to look like and what type of visuals we want. Overall, the storyboard helps to remind our group of our initial ideas for the film. This is helpful because we have found that sometimes while we film or while we edit we forget what we wanted and in what scene. So the storyboard helps us with this. The storyboard also helps us see if we made any changes when we finish our film or what stayed the same.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Schedule, Location, Participants, and Health

In this presentation, the aspects schedule, location, participants, and health are focused. Within our schedule, we chose as a group what days will be best for us to record. As for the location after deliberating thoroughly we decided that it will be best to film at  Sophia’s house. Furthermore, we decided on how many people we would need to conduct the film. We chose three people for our group then three extras from another, the total will result in a great representation for a group of friends. Lastly, we discussed things we can do to make sure we are safe. Which included simple things like transportation. Exchanging views about these four aspects will be beneficial to us in the future, we won’t have to replan or rethink of anything. This will prevent wasting time from our filming process.

Planning blog: Title Slides

In this google presentation, my group and I spoke about the titles of our movie. We spoke about where they would be, what they would look like and more aspects of the titles. Examples of this include color, size, and structure of the titles. This is all included in the presentation. We also came up with the name of our movie. This posed some difficulty because we had our whole script but couldn't think of a title. We wanted our movie title to correctly summarize our movie but at the same time not give the plot away. Eventually, we came up with the title. This presentation will be very useful to our group because we can use it as a reference when we are editing. And will remind us of our original title ideas if they change as the process goes on.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sound Script for the Final Task

In this Google Slides Presentation group and I wrote out a sound script. This is a script that discusses the different sounds that would be used in our final task video. The sound effects discussed correspond with the shooting script. It is very essential to have this all planned out in order to have a smoother filming process. This script acts as a general outline for all the sounds that would be included. My group and I selectively picked out the sounds that we thought would work best with each scene. We made sure that the sounds would be able to contribute to the overall theme being horror. These sounds also allow the audience to better interpret and understand what is going on. For example, when the beat increases in the background music, the audience can assume that something is about to happen in the scene. It is extremely important to be able to identify when there will be a shift in the tone of the scene. As expected, there will be a few minor changes that may occur to the script to better suit the film. However, these changes will only be small and will not result in tremendous differences. Overall, this script will help tremendously as we begin to film, as it provides a layout for what we will need to do and edit in.

Shooting Script for the Final Task

In this google slides presentation, I wrote out my group's shooting script. This is a script with all of the words, camera movements and some notable editing styles. This script can act as an overall outline for our movie clip. Each slide is a new scene. So for each scene, I wrote out the dialogue and the character's movements. I also like said before noted any camera movements, angles or shits that were new or important to the scene. I also did the same for any added in things that would be for the editing process. We could use this script during the filming process and follow it religiously. Of course, some changes are bound to be made because that's what happens in a film. But if any changes are to be made they will be minuscule and the overall plot will remain similar to the PowerPoint. And the PowerPoint will be very useful for the rest of the process.