Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing the Commercial

        Today in class I began to edit to edit my footage with the help of my group. Before I started editing, I pulled my notes out and reviewed them. I reviewed my notes to ensure that I was clear on how to edit my footage. We had some difficulties in the beginning of this process. This included that we could not get our computer to turn on. After a long ten minutes, the computer finally turned on. I plugged the flash drive into the computer and found the folder with all of our footage in it. I reviewed the footage with my group and then dumped it into an app on the computer called pinnacle studios. Once pinnacle studios opened I was able to see all of our footage and edit or review it. Pinnacle studios is a great way to edit all of our footage. It gives us a way to make sure all of our scenes look good for the final version of the commercial.
        I had a few difficulties with our footage in pinnacle studios. The first difficulty that occurred was that our footage was blurry. Something was wrong with our camera. This caused our footage to be very slow and blurry. This is a major setback to the editing process because our footage was completely messed up. With the help of my group we tried to figure out a way to make the footage look better. We wanted to be able to use the footage because we worked so hard to film all of it and make it perfect. We tried for a very long time to get our footage to work, but unfortunately could not get it. I started to wonder if it was a problem with the computer or our footage. So I decided to upload all of the footage to google docs to see if our footage would be usable for the commercial. After another ten minute upload process, I finally saw that it was in fact a problem with the computer and not our footage.
        Finding out that our footage wasn’t messed up was a huge relief to me. My group and I were worried that we would have to redo all of our footage. Not having to film again saves us a lot of time that we can use to properly edit our footage. It is essential that we have the full amount of time to edit  our footage. I want to make sure that my commercial reaches the full potential that it can. Using pinnacle studios will help move along my editing process much faster. The tools that pinnacle studios  has are very essential to our editing process. Without pinnacle studios our commercial would not be properly editing. It also would not look as good because we would not be able to use transitions that we planned to do. My group and I want to make our commercial as similar to the storyboard that we can so that our commercial can turn out amazing and very well planned out.

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